Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Blessing of Marriage

I always thought when I was in my teens that I would struggle to find a husband. It always seemed like I was that last one of my peers to reach every milestone. I never had a boyfriend, though I dated some in college. For the most part, I was happy. In March of 2004 I was in the final months of finishing my bachelor's and preparing to go to graduate school. I wasn't looking for a boyfriend. Then it happened, as I was walking in the hall I past a guy I talked to before when I worked in the residence hall we lived in. The rest is history. We will be married three years in May. Everyday with him is a blessing. God has not only provided me with a husband, but also a true friend. I am so very thankful. I pray for the people I know in my life who are single, that they may have the blessing of a partner. And one time my prayer got answered big time! I was praying for my friend at work who was single and was struggling and praying for another coworker who was a widower. Well, God must of had of plan (of course) because he killed two birds with one stone- just three weeks ago they got married! God is good!