Sunday, December 6, 2009

How to Buy Wedding Invitations

This site is not mine, but I think gives a lot of good advice. When I did my own wedding invtations I had a lot questions and I wish I could have came across this site:

And, I might be biased because I actually sell wedding invitations on eBay (very nice ones I might add) and this tip is a bit crass to admit to anyone else, but I think it's true:

•Don't skimp on wedding invitations! Seriously, recognize secretly if not publicly that for every dollar you put into an invitation, you're going to get $40 in gifts in return

I agree with that and also think that a wedding invitation is one of the few things that you will end up saving from your wedding through the years. I know many couples who have a framed wedding invitation in their homes. So picking wedding invitations that you truly like is important...